Aluminium profile cutting, extrusion machining service
We offer aluminium profile cutting, extrusion machining service. We may use our own raw materials or customer material.
The appearance of the finished products is an important aspect when working with designs from aluminium profile. We care about all stages of work.
We are a company specializing in:
- cutting aluminum extrusion;
- their mechanical processing;
- and assembly of aluminium constructions.
Cutting aluminum profile with the professional equipment.
- We produce cut-to-size for easy portability or according to customer special technology cutting aluminum profile in size or at any angle.
- Rely On Our Accuracy and Service.
- An additional advantage is perfectly smooth surface on sawn edges(without chipping and other defects).
Mechanical processing of aluminum profiles and assembly of constructions
Our employees will implement your wishes regarding machining, using a CNC machining center, equipped with computer numerical control. This ensures the great opportunities of modern equipment and constant highest quality of the work.
Offered services include:
- Final trimming;
- Milling;
- Turning;
- Boring;
- Perforating;
- Further processing;
- Countersinking;
- Thread cutting;
- Products assembling.
We produce components from other types of aluminum raw material and a thin metal. Also we offer same service for light materials, such as plastic.
The distinctive characteristics of our work is the wide range of possible size and the speed of implementation of the cycle "order-delivery". Lean-manufacturing, timely delivery and reasonable use of resources are key of our business. Rational planning of production ensures minimum loss of valuable raw materials.
We deliver the finished product to the customer with this type of surface treatment that he needs.
Contact the Specialist
Svetlana Fjodorova
+371 29 992 195